September 30, 2024 Newsletter

Car Free Happy Hour on October 8

The next East Bay Car Free Happy Hour will be at Headlands Brewing (the old Westbrae Biergarten space) in Berkeley on Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30pm. Whether you’re car free, car light, car free curious, or just want to hang out with fun people and have nerdy urbanist conversations, everyone is welcome. If you’re not already on their email list, you can sign up here to receive information on upcoming meetups. 

Happy Hour on October 15: East Oakland Edition!

Transport Oakland’s next Happy Hour will take place on Tuesday, October 15 at Aloha Club from 5:30pm – 7pm. The bike-friendly Aloha Club is located one block from Fruitvale Bart. This event aims to provide a casual environment for local advocates and OakDOT staff to meet. Show up to mingle, meet other transporters, and learn about current advocacy efforts and how we can be part of the solution. Let us know what burning questions you might have. We’ll do our best to illuminate these topics so we all have a better understanding of what challenges we’re facing. We’re looking forward to a great discussion!

Transport Oakland Candidate Forums

Transport Oakland will be hosting two forums for Oakland City Council and CIty Attorney candidates in East Oakland (10/22) and West Oakland (10/23). Please use the links below to RSVP and submit your transportation-focused questions for the candidates!

East Oakland Forum – RSVP link
Oakland Public Library: Melrose Branch, 4805 Foothill Blvd
Tuesday, October 22 @ 5-7pm
5:00pm doors
5:30pm forum begins

West Oakland Forum – RSVP link
Oakland Public Library: West Oakland Branch, 1801 Adeline St
Wednesday, October 23 @ 5-7pm
5:00pm doors
5:30pm forum begins

The Oakland Public Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of meetings or meeting room users.

July 10, 2024 Newsletter

Car Free Happy Hour Tomorrow

This month’s East Bay Car Free Happy Hour will be at Cellarmaker Brewing Co. in Berkeley on Thursday, July 11 at 5:30pm. Whether you’re car free, car light, car free curious, or just want to hang out with fun people and have nerdy urbanist conversations, everyone is welcome. If you’re not already on their email list, you can sign up here to receive information on upcoming meetups. 

Embarcadero West Community Design Workshop: July 17

The OakDOT Major Projects Division is hosting a Community Design Workshop for the Embarcadero West Rail Safety and Access Project. Visit themed stations, speak with the project team and learn about proposed designs. Learn more about the event and register here.

Traffic Calming Pilots Update

Great news! At its July 2nd meeting, Oakland City Council approved the establishment of a pilot program for community traffic safety. The program will expedite the implementation of pilot traffic calming measures in high-injury network corridors and near schools with the goal of enhancing road safety for vulnerable populations. It will also enable interim responses for rapid deployment of quick-build traffic calming and enable community-based organizations and institutions to meaningfully drive proactive road safety efforts.

OakDOT and City Council will be collaborating on two demonstration projects this year, the learnings from which will inform a full permit program rollout for next summer.

May 28, 2024 Newsletter

Transportation Mixer on May 30 with Warren Logan

Join fellow transportation planners for a happy hour and mixer with former Transport Oakland Board Member and a candidate for CIty Council District 3, Warren Logan on Thursday, May 30 from 6pm – 9pm at Two Pitchers Brewing Co. Share your thoughts, questions and concerns about the future of transit in the Bay Area over drinks and good vibes. More information and RSVP here.

AC Transit Realign Survey due June 5

AC Transit introduced the Realign Plan as a comprehensive review and update to address Bus Operator shortages and budget constraints and to maximize the efficiency of the current bus network. A draft plan has been formulated outlining the vision for the new network. The public is encouraged to review this and provide feedback by June 5.

Transport Oakland Policy Committee Meeting on June 11

Transport Oakland’s next Policy Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 11 at Temescal Brewing at 6:30pm. These meetings are new and are intended to be a jumping on point for anyone interested to join and participate in organizing, advocacy, and policymaking. All Transport Oakland members are welcome to join. Please email if you are interested in joining.

Happy Hour with OakDOT Director Rowan on June 13

Transport Oakland’s next Happy Hour will take place on Thursday, June 13 at The Double Standard from 5:30pm – 7pm. Come mingle with fellow transporters and help us welcome Oakland’s new Director of Transportation, Josh Rowan. 

This event aims to provide a casual environment for local advocates and OakDOT staff to meet. Show up to mingle, meet other transporters, and learn about the Traffic Calming pilots and how we can be part of the solution. Let us know what burning questions you might have. We’ll do our best to illuminate these topics so we all have a better understanding of what challenges we’re facing. We’re looking forward to a great discussion! 

San Pablo Avenue Bus-Bike Lanes Project

The San Pablo Avenue Bus-Bike Lanes Project proposes to construct side-running bus only lanes and protected bike lanes along San Pablo Avenue within Oakland, Emeryville, and South Berkeley. More information on the project, including a link to provide input, can be found here.

73rd Avenue Active Routes to Transit

OakDOT is presently working on design plans to seek implementation funding for enhanced multimodal transportation infrastructure along 73rd Avenue/Hegenberger Road, connecting the Eastmont Transit Center, Coliseum BART Station, and the newly constructed International Blvd Bus Rapid Transit (Tempo) system. This project seeks to prioritize safety enhancements for the comfort of transit users, pedestrians, and cyclists. This article from Oaklandside provides a background on the project. Sign up for email updates on the project’s website.

San Antonio Station

The San Antonio Station Alliance is advocating for a new BART and regional rail station at 14th Avenue. This would allow much-needed transportation access to an underserved community and the longest stretch of BART track in Oakland without a station – 2.7 miles. Learn how to get involved and sign the petition here.

Embarcadero West Rail Safety & Access Improvements

The City of Oakland is currently in the grant stage for the safety, access and reliability improvement project along the Embarcadero West Rail Corridor. For more information on the project, including upcoming opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the webpage here

Copyright © 2024 Transport Oakland, all rights reserved.

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Transport Oakland’s Response to Mayor Schaaf’s Draft 2017-19 City Budget

Mayor Schaaf & Members of the Oakland City Council,

Transport Oakland is pleased to support the draft City budget released on April 28th, pending the adjustments promised by Mayor Schaaf at the May 2nd City Council meeting. Transport Oakland feels that the current draft budget reflects our platform of livability, vitality, sustainability, and equity for the City and its residents. The draft 2017-2019 budget seeks to make the best of a precarious budget situation, with a $32 million operating deficit and many departments being asked to tighten their belts.

Of special importance in this year’s budget is the funding of a fully-fledged Department of Transportation; it represents a promise kept to the voters of Oakland and a vehicle for timely delivery of the Measure KK infrastructure bond. The Oakland Department of Transportation, being funded largely from sources outside the General Fund, will have a minimal impact on the City’s budget deficit. Read more

City Budget, ride bikes with Ryan Russo, and why is the Oakland Bike Plan contract delayed again? 3 Things to Watch, May 2017

Transport Oakland is committed to shining a light on all the transportation-related things going on in Oakland and the East Bay. We recognize that it’s hard to keep up with all the agendas, PDFs, and arcane terminology. To that end, we’ve launched a regular series called “3 Things to Watch” to demystify the transportation world and let you know how you can make your voice heard on issues that matter to you. Tips for future 3 Things to Watch items should be sent to

#1: Draft City Budget & CIP are out for public review

What it is: On Friday, April 28th, Mayor Schaaf’s office released their draft for the 2017-19 Oakland City Budget and their draft of the City’s Capital Improvement Plan. Read more

Enforcing Safe Pedestrian Access During Oakland’s Construction Boom

What do you when you’re walking and you see the sidewalk ahead is closed–do you go across the street or walk in the travel lane to get through? If you are like me (and many others), you probably walk in the street. Humans regularly choose convenience over safety when the built environment forces them to choose.

Recently, OakDOT issued guidance to require designing for pedestrian convenience (as well for bicyclists and bus facilities) when buildings are under construction. According to the new guidance:

  • “Pedestrian Detours” are not acceptable in Downtown Oakland, along major transit corridors, or along neighborhood commercial streets.  A sidewalk that is completely closed and requires crossing to the other side of the street is called a “pedestrian detour.” Detours are only allowed when there is a construction flagger present.
  • “Pedestrian Diversions” must be provided. A “Pedestrian Diversion” is  is a temporary walkway installed on the same side of the street as the obstruction allowing pedestrians to bypass the construction without having to cross the street.

So, how do project sponsors know they have to comply with the new requirements? When a construction sponsor files for an “Obstruction Permit” to block sidewalk or street space, they must submit a “Temporary Traffic Control Plan” (TTCP) that OakDOT staff review for compliance with the guidance before the permit is issued.

Oakland is entering a construction boom, so now is an important time to ensure construction project sponsors are aware of and complying with the new requirements. And now is also an important time to ensure that OakDOT has staffing resources to provide enough inspectors to enforce the new guidance and respond to complaints made through SeeClickFix or the Call Center.

We noticed some sidewalk detours around Oakland and did a little digging about how the new guidance was affecting them. Read more

3 Things to Watch, April 2017

3 Things to Watch 4.6.17

Transport Oakland is committed to shining a light on all the transportation-related things going on in Oakland and the East Bay. We recognize that it’s hard to keep up with all the agendas, PDFs, and arcane terminology. To that end, we’ve launched a regular series called “3 Things to Watch” to demystify the transportation world and let you know how you can make your voice heard on issues that matter to you. Tips for future 3 Things to Watch items should be sent to

#1: CHA-CHING! ACTC CIP Poised to Award Oakland More than $40 Million

What it is: At the end of last month, the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) released their Draft 2018 Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP). Of $261 million earmarked for transportation spending in Alameda County over the next two years, OakDOT is lined up to receive over $40 million for mobility projects across the city. Read more

3 Things to Watch, 3.14.17

Transport Oakland is committed to shining a light on all the transportation-related things going on in Oakland and the East Bay. We recognize that it’s hard to keep up with all the agendas, PDFs, and arcane terminology. To that end, we’re launching a new regular series called “3 Things to Watch”. We’ll demystify what’s going on in the transportation world and let you know how you can make your voice heard on issues that matter to you. Tips for future 3 Things to Watch items should be sent to

#1: A successful OakDOT starts with a good City budget

Read more

How do we Measure Equity for Oakland’s iBond?

In the first two months of 2017 Transport Oakland participated in an Infrastructure Bond Working Group, convened by the Mayor’s Office, along with representatives from over 30 community and business organizations. Over three meetings the group tried to tackle the hard question: How do we measure Equity, Mobility, and Resiliency when investing the $600 million raised by Measure KK (aka the iBond) over the next ten years? And how does that translate into actual projects that go into the City’s Capital Improvement Plan – aka the CIP?

So we Passed the iBond – What’s Next?

Read more