Car Free Happy Hour Tomorrow
This month’s East Bay Car Free Happy Hour will be at Cellarmaker Brewing Co. in Berkeley on Thursday, July 11 at 5:30pm. Whether you’re car free, car light, car free curious, or just want to hang out with fun people and have nerdy urbanist conversations, everyone is welcome. If you’re not already on their email list, you can sign up here to receive information on upcoming meetups.

Embarcadero West Community Design Workshop: July 17
The OakDOT Major Projects Division is hosting a Community Design Workshop for the Embarcadero West Rail Safety and Access Project. Visit themed stations, speak with the project team and learn about proposed designs. Learn more about the event and register here.

Traffic Calming Pilots Update
Great news! At its July 2nd meeting, Oakland City Council approved the establishment of a pilot program for community traffic safety. The program will expedite the implementation of pilot traffic calming measures in high-injury network corridors and near schools with the goal of enhancing road safety for vulnerable populations. It will also enable interim responses for rapid deployment of quick-build traffic calming and enable community-based organizations and institutions to meaningfully drive proactive road safety efforts.
OakDOT and City Council will be collaborating on two demonstration projects this year, the learnings from which will inform a full permit program rollout for next summer.